Lay it on me…

Whether you subscribe to our newsletter or follow me on social media, there's a good chance I've hit you in the feels at some point. If I've ever made you ugly laugh (or cry), now's your chance to tell me all about it. Drop an anonymous note — 50 words or less — and let me know how I'm doing. Scroll down to read what others had to say.

  • You are a bright, shining light in the us a space at the table to share hilarious memes. The laughter that ensues may be the only time someone smiles in a week of dumpster fires. For that--and YOU--I am so grateful and blessed! Luv ya

  • ​You always put a smile on my face keep it coming girl!

  • Love you, Sassypiehole! Honey you are a whole vibe and I’m here for it! Thank you for your hilarious memes and good times.

  • Thanks for always posting things that make me laugh out loud in public, lol

  • You've made my life better, one post/meme at a time!

  • Um, I am wearing my top fan badge like it’s a fucking homecoming queen sash…

  • Thanks for all you do to provide us some humor and happiness in what is at times a dark world.

  • Love your posts, and you seem to speak a lot of my truths. I think we’d be friends if we were in the same area. Have a fantastic day.

  • ​You've made my life better, one post/meme at a time!

  • Your content speaks to exactly how I feel everyday!!! Thanks for having some balls to say it like it is, and isn’t. 😂

  • So far your site is the funniest shit on fb!! This how you make me laugh! 😅😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • You crack me up every single day! I’m sure that goes for a lot of others, too! There is so much crap and negativity on fb and your page brings laughter and fun!

  • I for one love your page. I get inspiration for the page I run, and it inspired me to start my page.

  • ​Best page on FB….seriously… xoxox

  • Love your humor and so many posts have made me laugh out loud. Really need that these days.

  • You have helped me get through this year. I appreciate you and your sassiness. ​

  • You're like an old friend. We can always count on you for a few good honest laughs!

  • Forever fan thank you for keeping it real. Your posts are the best!!!

  • You totally make my day! I love your posts and the people that comment. Humor keeps us revved up and LIVING life. Thank you!!

  • YOU are very funny and I enjoy your page. Keep up your hard work, Sassy!

  • Your page is a bright light in an otherwise dull FB day! Thanks for this!

  • ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for your wisdom - it hits home!

  • Omg your reel. I am two years in since I filed for divorce from the most narcissistic person I’ve ever met. I feel like I am sitting in the fetal position at the bottom of a very deep dark hole. Shaking. Fearful. Angry.

  • ​I feel like all of this can’t possibly be one person’s divorce story and just wanted to share with you that your content matters. Please keep sharing your story.

  • Thank you for your words. I will not give up.

  • Saw your reel about leaving from whine and cheezits. Good for you Lisa. That’s bad ass. And a great model for your kids.

  • I felt like you were telling my life story, except I have a son. Thank you for sharing 💙

  • You are an inspiration! I have to tell you, 51 years old just walked’s fucking hard but worth the peace.

  • You inspire me daily 😬🙌

  • Loved your last post. I turn 51 today and have realized more and more than I don’t know shit. I literally stop myself mid sentence sometimes and say “never mind. I have no idea what I am talking about or I would be in a much better position.” I enjoy your content.

  • I absolutely laugh all day at your posts 👏👏🙌

  • Thank you for your reel. I left my abusive, alcoholic, narcissistic husband in November 2020. I’m a little over a year into our legal battle. It really helps to see people in similar situation get out. ❤️

  • You have been more laughs for me than I can explain. LOL

  • May I ask a question please? Is cussing aloud ? I wasn’t sure and didn’t want to get in trouble.

  • I want to be you when I grow up.

  • Dude. Your page today has had me laughing till I cry. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I needed it.

  • Hi Lisa, I love your shit show!

  • I love this group and I think you are a serious bad ass!! Thank you for being you!

  • Love your name chick. Thank you for being you, you're a legend!

  • So nice to finally “meet” you Lisa. I think I started following your page a year ago. You’re awesome and always cheer me up. Thank you so much.

  • I love it. I have laughed so much on days when I felt like I was going to cry or have a break down. I've invited my daughters and sisters to your page. Keep up the great work. We all need more laughter in our lives and in this world.

  • You make me laugh on days when it's hard to laugh.

  • You’re awesome. Love this page. Thank you!

  • This ought to be weird. I don't know how I found your page. I think Simon Holland somehow. I think you are funny. It seems like you've been through a lot of pain. Probably at the hands of a guy like me.

    Some of us see our error. Some of us strive to fix what we broke. Some of us are full of regret for not seeing sooner what we were doing to the people we were supposed to love above all else.

    Yeah. I know it's a weird message, but your posts either touch me or make me smile many times. Something made me want to reach out. So anyway, good luck to you.

  • I have to say I love your honesty, your sarcasm, your fuck it attitude and your truth. I can relate to so much of what you’ve shared with us. Much respect.

  • Just love you you are my daily dose of laughter... You heal my wounds like a medicine and you are a motivational speaker to me, really I get energy from u. Love your story!

  • Just wanted to let you know that you're one of the funniest sarcastic moms I've ever known (on fb) I'm going through a divorce right now so when I'm sobbing rivers down my chin and cleavage (I think I have one.. I think) it cheers me up and I break out snorting and braying like a donkey.. Or something. Thank you for making my world a little less suck assy.

  • I didn’t actually know what your site was. But I just had a look at it and I love it. The chin-dropping humour and the emotional realities of life. Beautiful. Sign me up sister!

  • Love your page. Funny as hell. Have a good morning!​

  • As a middle aged mother of a sweet but clueless 12 year old...I just wanted to say how much I love your posts! You say what most of us are thinking! You make me laugh and smile...and in this crazy world that is saying something! Thank you!! Keep the posts coming!!

  • I think you are HILARIOUS!!! Some people are just too serious. Sassypiehole!!! Brilliant name!

  • Omg..just got some new books, one being..I just want to be perfect..and low and behold.. I knew I had good taste..will read tomorrow..

  • I’m sitting here, at the car dealer, waiting on $500 in car repairs (2things) scrolling through your page. I’m rolling!!! The people around me probably think I’m high!

  • Love your page. Thanks for your posts. Just wanted to thank you for all the humor, especially the dark side. I'm just a cranky old English major. You're inspiring, Lisa. Sassypiehole rules.

  • This page keeps me in stitches!! Thank you!

  • In a world of total BS, I was delighted to be introduced to your various forms of humor. Many of which I could “insert your name here” while also realizing there are many more dysfunctional functional people like myself out there. There are those that will never “get” us, and that’s okay, but never let it stop you from shinning your light bright! Support in the midst of mayhem is paramount! Carry on…..

  • I loved your meme group and almost everyone that was in it. I laughed so hard at times ppl thought I was crazy. I always knew I could come to this page and escape everything. It breaks my heart that a few ppl can ruin everything for for everyone. THANK YOU FOR THE LAUGHS. I'm gonna miss my escape.

  • Hi, I was banned from your Sassypiehole meme group. I want to apologize for being an asshole and letting my anger get the best of me on a post this past week. I've had a rough week and I think I took it out in the comment section on a post. I broke the rules and I'm sincerely sorry for that. Would you please consider letting me back in? I won't do that ever again. That group is my favorite group on Facebook and it brightens my day. I will not engage in that type of behavior again and will let the group be what it should be, drama-free.

  • Hi! I’m sure you’ve read similar messages and comments from hundreds of people, but I still feel compelled to tell you this. Your meme share page has brought so much laughter to my friends and family, and you are a blessing on this world. South Africa is going through hell yet again and so many people who were already struggling are now suffering more. Thanx to your meme page, I’ve been able to make them smile, laugh, and even spit out what they were drinking at times. Hats off, kind regards.

  • Just wanna tell you I love your page. Keep on keepin’ on.…

  • Thank you for making me laugh so many days. That father and the voicemail hit home. I was laughing so hard. I really enjoy your humor.

  • Ha Ha Sassyiehole, you're funny!

  • You’ll always be one of my favorite people here. You’re genuine and I love that about you.

  • You’ll always be one of my favorite people here. You’re genuine and I love that about you.

  • I’m so fecking happy to have you in my life!

  • Omg…I was seriously laughing myself silly! So refreshing to meet another weirdo…or maybe that’s just me!!

  • I just have to thank you! I spent last night going through your page, and for the first time in a long time I was laughing myself silly! Damn it felt good . So happy to see another with the same “slightly warped” sense of humour!

  • We love you!!!!!

  • Thanks Sassy, had some good laughs. The only problem with the newsletter is I can't hit the emoji after reading.

  • Sassy oozes character, wit & charm, & there's plenty of variety in her posts - one of the best pages on here, Heartily recommended! ​

  • She’s a freakin’ riot!! Five stars. Highly recommend.

  • She’s a freakin’ riot!! Five stars. Highly recommend.

  • ​I most admire Sassypiehole's charming, congenial personality. ​

  • ​Awesome page for laughs over sensitive needn’t bother.

  • Sassy oozes character, wit & charm, & there's plenty of variety in her posts - one of the best pages on here, Heartily recommended!

  • ​I love you so much! Soooo sassy and full of real life humor! Thanks for making me laugh and smile! You get me!

  • ​Lots of laughs!! So happy to have your posts In my life!!

  • Always keeps me laughing! We ALL need more of that!!

  • I don't know how long I've been watching you, but you are now my #1 chick for smart ass shit to share with everyone I know, including all my customers.

  • I appreciate your posts. I appreciate your spot-on humor, and I appreciate you trying to do right by your daughter. I wouldn’t know you if you walked in my office right now, (esp. With these masks, i don't recognize anybody!), but I would totally be friends with ya.

  • I just wanted to tell you that your live in IG last nite with WhineandCheezits was the first one I’ve ever tuned in to. I loved it. I appreciated your brutal honesty and you guys and some others are the reason I am even on IG.

  • ❤❤❤ This is the greatest place to lift my spirits and still keep me sassy. Best wishes all-ways to you, thank you for keeping us all happy and in line ❤❤❤